Probably every word is true and surely heartfelt but what is a “Writer” and successful, ridiculous amounts of money, would even 7 figures a year be ridiculous, 6 figures is typical for professionals, median income for a plumber is fifty grand. A quarter million Americans make more than a million dollars a year.
I can’t do my job without doing some writing, sometimes a lot of writing. I do make 6 figures and have for decades. I write here but mostly comments, comments like this. I might be a nice troll. I do write some original stories here as well. I get maybe a few thousand views a month but I don’t get a penny from Medium and I send them money each month.
I do read a lot here and some of it seems to be popular trash, rehash. I find it surprising how popular some of stories I don’t like are. I don’t often comment on stories I did not like. Like this one, I comment on stories I like but think could have been better. I guess I have to check out some of the writers you listed because some of them I don’t recognize.
Many writers seem to be writing for writers not non-writers. Writers, writing self-help stories for writers, circle jerk (I hate marketing, advertising and PR).