Since your gig with the Times might be at risk if you were more direct. Let me say it. CEO's need to be held accountable for the actions of the companies they run. CEO of Boeing Dennis Muilenburg was ousted following the two crashes that kill hundreds of people. Ousted, they should have clawed back every penny of his compensation, and he should be under criminal inditement, manslaughter or reckless endangerment.
Society does not hold people in high places accountable for the crimes and fraud the commit.
United Healthcare kills people, kills people in the name of greater profit. They know they are denying claims and withholding treatment that would save lives. I see that as criminally negligent homicide; I don't care how many layers of obfuscation you build into your system. The buck stops at the CEO's corner office, company commits a crime the CEO need to face criminal prosecution. If the punishment for CEO is they lose their overpaid job but still get to keep their millions is compensation then, people will remember and seek a pound of flesh when the time is ripe. If the system is not corrected, when society collapses because of coming crisis's, it seems likely all the rich will be targeted, it will be assumed that all the rich are criminals.
Luke 18:25 "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."
I am not a Christian but there certainly are some juicy nuggets in the Bible.
If I read you right, you say it is never right to take to law into our own hands.
I think I have to stop at this point because Medium is sensitive about the kind of things I would like to say and if I say them, they will get deleted, and I might get banned.
On a more personal note, I have been dealing with health insurance companies for over 40 years. I did not read the book, Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don't Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It is a 2010 book by Rutgers Law professor Jay M. Feinman, and published by Portfolio Hardcover, an imprint of Penguin Group, but have a pretty good idea what is in it. One of the most frustrating things about insurance claims is the deliberate incompetence of the insurance claims customer service reps that are your first point of contact when disputing a claim. I believe the companies deliberately put incompetent people as their first line of defense to frustrate people and make them give up. It is actually not just medial insurance, homeowners and auto insurance is pretty much the same. Often a customer knows more about their insurance policy than the customer service rep. The customer knows more about their medical condition or damage as well. It is getting worse, now you have to work thru a bunch of hoops just to get to talk to a customer service rep and sometimes those hoops are seemly insurmountable as they only give you inappropriate choices but if you persist and don't hang up eventually, they let you talk to a real person.