So here is a question. Like the suggestion that we should limit regular immigration to persons who can properly support themselves without support from the government maybe parenthood should be limited to persons who can support and care for their children without government help with things like daycare or parental leave or nutrition assistance or whatever.
I know the question is of no practical value because people will have children regardless of their ability to care for them and since the children will be born society will need to make sure they are cared for.
Having children is an incredibly selfish thing to do and expecting others to sacrifice to make it easier for you to raise a family just compounds that selfishness.
Mothers, encourage your non-mother co-workers to shut down their computers at a reasonable time. Even if they technically don’t have to leave to pick someone else up, they need to tend to their post-work lives.
Are Single White Males included in “non-mother co-workers” and what do you consider a reasonable time? Is working 8 hours a day unreasonable? Is a person who works 9 hours evil? How dare that person work extra hours to better position themselves for a promotion.