Socialist can be Fascists. The what defines Fascism is the lack of free and fair elections and oppression of dissent. You can have Socialist Fascists and you can have Capitalist Fascists but you can’t have Democratic Fascists. Rarely is there vibrant Capitalism in a Fascist state. The State or the hand picked cronies of the Dictator generally acquire (steal) almost all the large stocks of capital and property including those owned by foreign interests (stolen by nationalization).
It is important to understand that Democratic Socialism is not Fascist and is not socialism. The Democratic part means that elections will be made more free and fair and non-violent dissent will not be oppressed. The Socialism part is not about the elimination of Capitalism but it is about the Government taking over the means of production of some sectors of the economy that can’t develop proper competition and fair prices. Health care, the provision of housing for the poor, the distribution of food to the poor, the provision of clean water and energy, education, transportation infrastructure. How much a Democratic Socialist will break from the current paradigm of the Government Contracting its functions to private companies is the measure of how socialist they are. I doubt even Bernie will be able to break the grip of the Neo-Conservative Plutocratic Oligarchic Elites the government cash flows, it all flows them. Even his version of Medicare for All has the government money flowing to private companies to provide our health care.