Some of this does not reflect how people use credit cards. Using a credit card does not mean you pay interest or buy things you would not have purchased if you did not have a credit card.
I make thousands of dollars in credit card purchases each month and don't pay any interest and I get cash back. Credit cards don't influence my purchasing decisions. How I pay for something is a decision I make after I decide I am buying something. Using a credit card is usually my first choice of payment method.
If some company offers me a lot of cash back or reward points for using their card that does not mean I run up the balance on the card, I just switch my purchases to that card for a while.
This is only something that happens to idoits.
"A cardholder may be in a situation where they find it difficult to make payments on a monthly basis due to financial constraints and contact the lending institution for assistance." Why are you talking about not being able to make the payments, you should be telling people to make payment in full every month. Don't use a credit card to get a loan except in an emergency.