"Some people cry, and some people die by the wicked ways of (life) love, but I'll just keep on rolling along with the grace of the Lord above."
For some I will maybe shed a tear but for most, they will get what they deserve, or at least that is what I hope. I have been preparing and telling others that we are past prevention, and it is time for mitigation.
Oh, I am not sinless. I have consumed that which I should not have. I might have set my thermostat too high or too low when I really should have just turned it off. Mostly I have done better since I have known better but I live in the U.S.A. by default I have consumed more than my fair share. Fairness be damned. It is now going to be about survival.
I know it ain't right but "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints."
Thanks for your stories.