Some things don't seem to be right with this story.
First the link to seems to be dead.
The subject of the story claims ten times more earnings than seems typical for a non-sexual SB.
Then there is this from
The Sugar Baby Lifestyle gets a lot of flack for being anti-feminist, patriarchal, or simply glorified sex work. But I — and a lot of sex-positive feminists like me — believe that A) there's nothing wrong with sex work, B) there are totally ways to live a feminist SB lifestyle, and C) there are ways to live an SB lifestyle that have nothing to do with being a sex worker whatsoever. There's nothing wrong with entering into a consensual, reciprocal relationship in which "love" is exchanged for material gain. Sugaring can absolutely be a feminist act when performed by women who own their sexuality and are up-front about their needs and expectations.
Most of the related search results seem to be years old.
I would fire a therapist who fell asleep during one of our sessions. It seems that her clients have more money than brains. That is also not all that unusual. What makes this different than an escort service?
Finally, what about the confessed tax evasion????