Sometimes I drive with my mask on. It is just easier to go from store to store and keep the mask on than to put it on and take it off with each stop so I put it on at the first stop and take it off after my last errand. Why would you even question why someone would wear a mask while driving? They are not hurting anyone.
This seems wrong, why would you say "I was fortunate that I never had to wear one at work?" If you didn't have to wear one but it would be better for others if you did, I take it you would still not wear a mask. Why don't you want to wear a mask? What is the problem for you and masks?
Mask mandates were no infringement of my freedom. I had already decided using my freedom to choose, to choose to wear a mask before the mandates. I chose to wear a motorcycle helmet before there were helmet laws. I wore a seatbelt before they started giving out tickets for not wearing them. I don't litter, not because it is against the law or because of the fine. I don't litter because I am not an idiot. Well, maybe I am a little idiotic, sometimes I pick up trash. I wear a mask because I am not an idiot. We have a lot of laws because there are so many idiots. Laws don't mean much to idiots, it is almost like laws are a waste of time. I am fully vaccinated and I still wear a mask, why, because it makes some people more comfortable. They don't know I am vaccinated. If I was not wearing a mask, as far as they can tell I might be an anti-vax, anti-mask, anti-social idiot.