Thank you for sharing. I was thinking that you might be much like you described but I did not want to just assume.
Nobody is “just a Cuban.” Even that small country is very diverse and Cuban Americans are just a different slice of Cuba. I lived in Florida for a number of years. I am guessing that you live in south Florida. You did not mention if you have Hispanic ancestors, African or native American ancestors. Black and Brown don’t mean much to me. Even Hispanic and Native American are pretty imprecise terms and African is a continent not a tribe or ethnicity.
Were you raised Catholic, Jewish, Protestant or something else. I am guessing that since your family came here that you were not Communists.
When I lived in California I saw a lot of bigotry with people of Hispanic backgrounds judging other Hispanics based on how mixed they were with Native Americans. It is interesting how many different ways Racists can come up with to feel superior to others.
Regarding who is “American” it can be everyone on the two American Continents or it could be only people of the United States. The more common usage is the latter.
Canadians are Canadian, Mexicans are Mexican, Brazilians are Brazilian but people of the U.S. are Americans, U.S. America. Actually Canadians are not Americans they are British, a British Commonwealth or at least they were until the Canada Act of 1982.