Thank you for the education or maybe more accurately the reminder.
Europe is plenty safe for the Jews, same as the U.S. but seems the West wants the Jews to have there own country. There are almost as many Jews living in the U.S. as are living in Israel. At this point even without support from the U.S. Israel would remain a Jewish state. The Palestinians aren’t getting their land back and almost certainly will lose even more.
When I wrote
You want to radicalize a Muslim you tell him he can’t have a wife and family because the Christian West has controlled the world so there are no jobs for you, the West has beaten us down and taken our recourses and corrupted our governments so you are lucky you even have food and shelter but don’t expect to ever have a wife and family. It is all the Wests fault. Oh and the West is full of sinful, decadent, hedonistic, sexualized perverts who all deserve to die.
I did not mean to minimize Muslim grievances, or more accurately Arab and Persian grievances. Same deal with Africa, European centric colonialism was probably one of the most evil enterprises of all time. European’s killed more than 70 million native Americans, makes the Holocaust pale by comparison.
From a native American point of view, you are lucky if the Europeans don’t kill you when they take your land.