Thanks for the good story.
Your virtue can be expressed by how little there is in your bins. Well, sort of, somewhat of what is in my bins is other people's litter.
I pick up plastic, metal, paper, etc. and dispose of it in my bins. I take my bins of metal to the scrap yard where I am sure it gets recycled properly. The tiny amount of waste I generate would amaze many people. We have twice a week waste pickup, I put out my mostly empty bin once a week at most, some weeks I don't bother.
I used to take my plastic grocery bags back to the bin at the store but I don't anymore because I don't have enough of them for my occasional need. I use reuseable bags when I shop so I rarely get plastic grocery bags anymore. The contents of my recycle bin is mostly cardboard.
Many places in the US require a deposit on beverage containers, you have to return them to get your deposit back. I can see those locations written on the label with the deposit amount.
My cupboards have accumulated quite a number of very useful plastic containers, more actually than I will ever need. I wash and reuse them over and over. The harmful effects of plastic consumption will probably catch up with me someday, but I am 65 already so what will be will be.