Thanks. That linked story is a very good piece. I could have written it myself and it clearly explains why I am skeptical of most people who claim to be Christian.
I belonged to a forum titled Deeply Theological and it was clear that most Christians do not understand their religion. On that forum many Christians understand that most Christians are Christians in name only and do not follow the true message of Jesus. I love Jesus' message and try to follow it. I am not a Christian because I don't believe that Jesus was God and I don't believe he rose from the dead. I think the new testament is a wonder work of historical fiction. I am not saying that Jesus was not God and did not rise from the dead, just that I am not convinced it happened. In Christian terms I lack faith, the Holy Spirit has not manifested in my soul. None of that precludes me appreciating the value of Jesus' message and adopting these values as my own.
A short comment about abortion. I wish there were less abortions and I wish we would do more so that fewer women seek abortions. I don't see making it illegal as the right way to reduce abortions. Easier access to birth control, family medical leave, higher minimum wage/living wage, greater subsidies for child care, that is how you reduce abortions.