The b-d nerd is no villain but is a victim. I don't think the only fans beauty is the perp.
The Bill/Monica or boss/office intern thing is way more complicated regarding consent and might turn on who made the first move.
Back to Bill and Monica, you say Bill was forgiven and Monica was shamed/blamed. I guess I missed that, I blamed Bill and felt bad for Monica.
Consent? What about coerced consent? What about seduced or manipulated consent? What about baited or purchased consent? What about stolen consent?
What about age of consent, age of adulthood, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21: how many years to achieve the maturity that allows for true consent. Not everyone matures at the same rate, some people never grow up. Penguins might be wise beyond their years.
Nobody/everybody is an adult, and nobody's consent is un-manipulated. Welcome to libertarianism.