"The best way to say it is "the US is creating new dollars when it spends" is not correct. It is only creating new dollars when it deficit spends. Not all government spending is deficit spending.
When you "borrow" your neighbor's shovel does it mean that you are dependent on your neighbor for a shovel or is it just a convenience.
"The term "borrowing" seems to imply," is just speculation. I provided the definition so that we might have clarity. You seem to find connotations for the word that I don't think are proper.
If I sell my neighbor a shovel and then borrow it back am I still not borrowing. This could seem to imply a lot of things that might or might not be true.
Borrowing or borrowing back, is just semantical gymnastics. Does not create clarity.
Do you imagine that because the government created all the dollars in the first place that they are really the government's and the ones I have are really only borrowed? I feel that they are mine and if the government does things that threaten to debase them I will exchange them for other currency or assets. I think talk of MMT or greater deficits drives a lot of interest in Crypto Currency.
MMT does not say the government is not borrowing. MMT says the government would not have to borrow to pay for spending if Congress did not require.