The Evil Black Rifle

Tim Knowles
4 min readJul 8, 2018


How did we get to the point that it is the gun that is evil. When I was growing up it seemed that guns were good. They were a feature on television almost every night and the good guys always had one and knew how to use it. This gun was even named for its goodness. The Colt 45 Peacemaker. There was even an Old West adage “God Created Men and Sam Colt Made Them Equal!” Guns were the great equalizer.

So when I was young the single action revolver was a very popular handgun. About that time things were beginning to change and you would begin to see WWII stories on TV and another Colt firearm started to take over popularity from the old Peacemaker. The model 1911, the new Colt 45. It was a semiautomatic. The most common issue handgun for the U.S. military in the WWII era. It was prominent in WWII TV shows and Movies. Almost all the portrayals of the U.S. military at that time were positive, showed the military in a positive light. Nobody got grief for owning either of the Colt 45’s. They were the good guns they were not evil.

We moved on to the era of live or nearly live broadcasts of war. The daily news brought you picture and video of the military and its weapons. The weapon you saw the most was the M-16. The new Colt. It was maligned and it was praised it was deadly with its tumbling bullet and it was defective with is jamming. It was to become the Evil AR-15. Before Colt bought the license and began production for the Military the rifle was in development by the ArmaLite Corporation as the ArmaLite Rifle AR-15. The evil black rifle was born.

The gun had its detractors even in the ranks of gun enthusiasts. It was also maligned in the media but the black rifle moniker did not really stick and its reputation did not really become to be so widely consider evil until the Gulf Wars and First Person Shooters video games. Black Ops, Call of Duty and others of that genre.

I was never really a fan of AR-15 or the AK-47. I did not malign them, I was just not enamored of them. What I did malign, quietly, was the Tacticool crowd. The camo wearing, pray and spray shooters who were filling the stations at the shooting range. Personally, I consider myself a “Marksman” working to improve my ability to place a bullet as close to the target “mark” as possible under a variety of conditions with a variety of firearms. I also as part of that effort endeavored to be a precision shooter and a precision ammo loader. I had never owned a Colt 45 or an AR-15 but I had shot them at the invitation of their owners. Well, when Hillary lost, I bought an AR-15, I decided they were never going to be cheaper so why not. I now owned an evil black rifle. I am still not tacticool. I don’t wear camo to the range, I don’t own a tactical tupperware handgun. I don’t spray bullets down range practicing my suppressive fire.

The media still promotes that evil black rifle reputation, I think they know it helps them sell ads and subscriptions.

My favorite guns are still wood and steel and have no plastic or aluminum parts. One of them was made before my Great Grandfather was born and I am not a young man.

If ever their was an evil gun it really is the AK-47.


Yes, they are mostly wood and steel but that does not make them good. What makes them evil is their proliferation in areas of conflict and their use by terrorist organization.

The U.S. even provides AK-47’s to our allies

If the media really wanted to root out real evil they can find it and shine a light on it. Black Rifles are not evil. Black Rifles are a political cause both on the left and the right. The Media are evil for trying to divide us.




Tim Knowles

Worked in our nations space programs for more than 40 years