As states have invested less per-student at community colleges and public four-year colleges, the schools themselves have raised tuition and fees to make up the gap. And rather than stepping in to hold states accountable, or to pick up more of the tab and keep costs reasonable, the federal government went with a third option: pushing families that can’t afford to pay the outrageous costs of higher education towards taking out loans.
The Federal Government should keep its influence out of education. It is the States responsibility. This is the kind of thing a candidate for Governor should be talking about not something a presidential candidate should be advocating.
Louisiana has TOPS.
I think this is a better way to help students pay for college.
I think your proposal sounds like pandering and buying votes.
De Tocqueville got it right.
We seem to too often reward people who make bad decisions that adversely affects society. We bail them out for the sake of the economy but this creates a moral hazard and a perverse incentive. The banks that are too big to fail. The house flippers who got mortgage loan forgiveness, people who build homes in flood prone areas and after they flood rebuild on the same lot.
I guess if I thought you would get elected I should go out and get a $50,000 student loan otherwise I would be missing out on a huge federal handout. I could quit work and go back to school to get a masters degree. If I stop working today I could get my household income under $100,000 for this year. You should have included a restriction that the forgiveness is only on debt incurred before you made this announcement, you could start a run to the banks.