The Palestinians rejected the best offer they were ever going to get. They will reject this offer as well. They will not get a better offer, not ever. Yeah, Jared is not really a great diplomat. Someone helped him with this. Really the Palestinians should accept this as it is, like I said, the best offer they will get now or in the future. They missed the best chance but grab this while it is on the table because the next offer will be less.
It is clear the Israeli’s will commit genocide to keep what they have stolen and the U.S. will defend their choices. Even without the U.S. support the Israeli’s will hold a hard line. Right of return, such a joke, Palestinians will be lucky if they are allowed to keep the majority of the land they currently occupy.
With each passing day the Palestinian State grows smaller. No matter how woke the International Community thinks it is, Might Still Makes Right. Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law. Rule of the Gun, Whoever Has the Guns Makes the Rules. The Palestinians are neither pathetic enough nor scary enough to really grab the worlds attention.
It is sort of like the dickering at the bazaar. I ask 50 you offer 30. I tell you to buzz off. So you offer 40 and I counter 60. You just lost your chance to buy it at maybe 45 or 50. So now you decide to walk away since you sense you screwed up. You come back and offer 50, but I decide that I was serious about 60. Since you came back, I see I hold all the leverage. If I am feeling charitable I let you have it for 55 but if today my reputation could benefit from being perceived as being really tough. I hold fast at 60. If you want it you better pay up the 60 because the price is not coming down.
The Palestinians have not leverage. Really. Nobody cares about them. Even Iran does not care about the Palestinians. The Iranian Leadership is anti-US/Israel not pro-Palestinian. Europe might be for fairness but not at the expense of much. The U.S. was never an honest broker. There is a huge pro-Israeli faction in the U.S. and only a tiny pro-Palestinian faction. Some of us care about fairness but the world is hugely unfair and we have to pick our battles. The Palestinians reject too many offers that while unfair are the best the will get.