There is a pattern forming that may bring a change in laws regarding self-defense.
Thinking back to Zimmerman/Martin, then Rittenhouse and possibly Arbery. If you have a gun and someone is aggressive toward you, you can use the gun to defend yourself, claim you were afraid for your life and likely prevail in court.
The shoe does fit on the other foot. If Zimmerman and not Martin had died, or Rittenhouse was the one killed or Arbery's assailants had died, that defense works for them as well.
Stand your ground laws may be repealed. Something regarding instigation or provoking a confrontation might get worked into the law as well as just open carrying a weapon in certain situations might get interpreted as a provocation.
Here in Louisiana before all the talk and demonstrations supporting open carry. You would likely get arrested for menacing for open carry in urban settings. It is now clear that a holstered pistol or a slung long gun is not legally menacing (considering how fast some can draw and fire maybe it should be) but holding a firearm at the ready when you are not in immediate danger probably is menacing. I am not informed regarding how this might have applied to Rittenhouse the laws vary by state. Did Rittenhouse's AR even have a sling? If not, how could he carry it in a way that was not menacing. Maybe if he carried it parade style with the barrel over his shoulder or parade rest with the butt on the ground and his hand on the barrel.
I see way too many all Tacti-Cool just like they just stepped out of Call of Duty.