This is a great story but of course it is not without room for improvement.
And the truth is when it comes to food waste, technology only goes so far. Farmers may simply choose not to harvest if they won’t get a good price,
This decision by a farmer might just be the best for the environment and the food supply chain. Plowing under a crop sequesters the carbon and returns the nutrients to the soil. This improves the soil and reduces the need for mineral fertilizers. It also eliminates the GHG’s associated with running the harvester, the wear and tear on the harvester, the wasted labor and the fuel to transport the harvest to storage.
A lot of food waste is bourgeois laziness. Food is so cheap, potatoes or rice or cheap pasta or bread, we all buy them to keep something in the bread box or pantry and we throw it out when it is stale or just not interesting and replace it with new. It is sort of like leaving a light on because we did not think to turn it off. We are spoiled rotten brats. The exception is of course me. If I buy it, kill it or cook it I eat it. I have reformed a bit. I will not eat it immediately as that is often a waste. Eating after you are satiated is evil. I learned to cook smaller portions, save for later and pace myself but it all gets eaten. This takes planning and it often eliminates opportunities for lunch out at work. I seem to always have leftovers to eat for lunch.