This is a lie, a very bad lie. The rest of the story is not very informative either.
"No individual or corporation will ever step up to help the citizens of any country."
Individuals help citizens of other countries and citizens of their own country every day thousands (maybe even millions) of times a day.
The United Way might not be the best example but that is a corporation that helps millions of people. Then there are organizations like the Red Cross or Habitat for Humanity. Do you not believe these and many other organizations and individuals don't help citizens all the time.
Fortunately in the U.S.A. we will not be forced by the government to use a government digital currency except to pay our taxes. Businesses and banks do force us to transact in dollars and of course to transact on-line you have to use some sort of digital currency, venmo, paypal, credit card...... some will let you use Bitcoin.
The government can confiscate anything they can identify, at least within their jurisdiction. You can put things outside their reach but they can reach most any place. Better to hide things you don't want the government be able to take than to put them someplace where they might know they exist but you think they can't reach. Even things password protected like Bitcoins, are you willing to spend eternity locked up for contempt for not divulging your key? Really the only things the government can't take are either intangible or things that the government does not know exists.
You don't seem to consider the benefits of diversity. Why not both government coins and corporate coins? Why must it be an either or proposition's?