This is an ugly manifestation of democracy. The outcome of elections is not determined by what is right or correct but by those who can turn out the most votes. The expectation that elections will be fair is naïve. Election outcomes are most often determined by the passions of the electorate. Passion can drive voters to cheat to win, even kill to win. Only a fool would believe that Americans have advanced beyond this kind of behavior.
The right wing extremists will win because they care more, are more passionate and will risk more to win. You are right to be afraid, the stakes are higher than you imagine. It is a matter of life and death or at least that is the way your opponents see things.
That you would even consider running away is a clue that your side will lose. You opponents are more afraid than you are but instead of running away they are like vermin backed into a corner.
They feel they have no choice but to fight for their life. Don't let their claims of Christianity distract you. These are old testament Christians not the peace loving Jesus Christians of the new testament. These are the Children of the God who wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah or the God who brought the great flood to wipe out evil.
If you would not raise you game to their level, maybe you best run away.