This kind of thinking is evil.
"Kowalczyk argues that we need to reduce the size of government to unleash the power of the free market and raise the level of prosperity for everyone."
Not everyone should be raise higher, some are already too high. Too much of the leveling up is raising the prosperity of those who already have too much money and power and it does very little for those with very little money and power. Money and power trickle down but it floods virtually gushes up to the rich.
Capitalism is great if properly restrained. Massive accumulations of capital and power must be periodically broken up and redistributed. Even Authoritarian governments know that they must cut the rich and powerful off at the knees from time to time lest they become too powerful and threaten to overtake the governments authority.
The U.S. is government, our leadership, representatives, much of the media and the party leaders are in the thrall of powerful Capitalists, their lobbyists and their think tanks.