"to improving the lives of all Americans by creating a more just and humane society and culture in America."
This does not hold. It is a matter of picking winners and losers. Mostly in America this breaks by class, with upper middle class and the rich benefiting from the exploitation of lower classes and the environment. Justice would not improve the lives of "Rich Americans" if it would we would not even be talking about it, the rich would already seen to proper justice. The rich know that if they only got what they deserve, if they got justice they would be much less well off.
We have progressed a little in the past few centuries but still mostly "might (wealth) makes right." You can have what you can take and hold.
This is not just true in America. It is true almost world wide. From time to time the lower classes rise up and punish the ruling elites but they end up just replacing one set of ruling elites with a new set of ruling elites. Often the poor are pawns in battles between different factions of elites.