Using this "redistribution programs" label seems inaccurate and creates the appearance of bias on the part of the Author. "Later, Social Security came to life, as well as Medicare, Medicaid, pensions for government employees, and numerous other wealth redistribution programs."
Most of the benefits of those programs are funded by taxes of people of the same class as the recipients. In the case of pensions, pensions are earned by the person who collects the pension, pensions are deferred earnings not a redistribution from the rich classes to poorer classes.
You use the term "free trade" as it is commonly used but there is never free trade. Unregulated markets devolve into monopoly or oligarchy. What is required for prosperity is "fair trade." Fair trade requires proper regulation of markets to prevent monopoly and other unfair trade practices.
It is not wealth that needs to be redistributed but opportunity. Same deal as was needed in Argentina but not provided. Oligarchs and Monopolist (Owners) not only did not provide opportunity, they blocked opportunity deliberately to preserve their privilege.