What part of this is it that you think applies to Biden’s supporters?
They don’t care about racisms or sexism or social justice. They like things just the way they are. They think that we never should have shutdown anything to fight the pandemic. They think we should have just let the chips fall where they may. Death tolls that don’t include them don’t bother them. They still support the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. They think we should still have teacher lead Christian prayers in our schools. They think it was right that Colin Kaepernick was fired for taking a knee. They believe that is should be legal to shoot looters. They believe in the death penalty.”
I think there is significant differences regarding which groups supports with policies.
What Biden and Trump have in common is they are dominated by the United Neo-Liberal/Conservative Plutocratic Oligarchic Elites. We can elect a new president but it is unlikely we will see much of substance that will change.