While I think I will agree with you conclusion that I think will be we must reduce consumption, I don't agree with some of your "facts." Disregarding your misspelling of silicon, coal is not required.
Aluminum scrap to replace coal
This new method, called SisAl, uses aluminum instead of carbon to break the bonds inside quartz atoms. Thanks to this method, “green silicon production is just around the corner,” told Norwegian SciTech News Maria Wallin, a materials researcher at NTNU.N
Old silicon solar cells can also be made into new ones without coal. The aluminum and glass from the old panels can be used to make new silicon solar cells without using coal or any hydrocarbon.
The whole thing can be a virtuous cycle but you will probably point this out, there is not enough clean energy to make more clean energy infrastructure to get to a sustainable level in any short term sceanario. The choice is to burn fossil fuels or do without.