Why has nobody else highlighted this. It is the key takeaway of the whole story. What we don't do willingly will be forced upon us. Growth and CO2 emissions will stop and retrench at some painful point in the future. Art is right we will aways be using oil, just not as much and not for all the things we currently use if for. It will be too expensive and precious for such mundane activities.
You have to wonder about ANWR
With what seems to be the trajectory, can the drill baby drill crowd be stopped from tapping this. It is also not the only potentially viable untapped oil reservoir. How can we be on the end of oil if there are reserves that have not even been touched.
Sadly oil will not run out fast enough to avoid a climate crisis and because oil will still be affordable for a while we will not advance alternatives soon enough.
I expect the downward spiral will be later than you think and slower than you think. I will come and it will be bad but it is farther off than many experts predict.