Yes, 30% interest ought to be criminal, credit card, payday loans or whatever. I think it amounts to usury. If the risk is that high the loan should not be made.
Regarding "I am also ageist the rich sequestering wealth" the rich are not all old and not all the old are rich landlords. I think you should dump your agism and just blame the exploitative rentier rich regardless of their age.
I certainly think there is good debt. A student loan can be good debt. A home mortgage can be good debt. I small business loan can be good debt. Good debt is debt that has a high probability of creating increasing value greater rate than the interest rate. If your small business's EBIT is much greater than your interest that is good debt.
Almost all home loans are good debt. Too many student loans are bad debt. Borrowing money for postgraduate studies is a bad move, get a job.