You are right about "Working hard will not make you wealthy, no matter how hard you work" but you should have added "unless you you invest the proceeds."
Much truth but you still don't understand what it means to be truly wealthy. It is not all about money.
"a plentiful supply of a particularly desirable things"
That would include things money can't buy. Money would be near the top of the list because very many desirable things can be facilitated with money. The biggest one is peace of mind but if you got rich stepping one people there might not be enough money to buy peace of mind. Plentiful peace of mind will do wonders for you. Lovers and friends, they say you can't buy true love and true friends and I think they are right. Any lover and friend no matter how true is better than none so it might be worth throwing some money that way.
If you have money and use it to make money it does not mean that hard work will not be rewarding. Interesting work is a particularly desirable thing.
Once you have enough money it is time to be thinking about a plentiful supply of other particularly desirable things.