You got something wrong with this as just a few paragraphs above you said the UN reported 17% food wasted (half of what you imply with that sentence). I checked some things in the UN report, did you know that they count throwing away the shells from eggs or bones or apple cores as food wasted? I don't waste much food, but I don't eat the stems or cores or bones or other mostly inedible portions of the food I buy. I am certain we should work harder to reduce food waste, but no system or process is without waste.
People do not go hungry because there is not enough food. People go hungry because they don't have access to the food that is available because of logistics, poverty, strife, war, or corruption. They do not go hungry because someone wasted food. Certain waste is tolerated because of over production and government regulations and subsidies. In the USA so much milk is produced that it can't be sold and by law the government has to buy excess dairy products.
What is needed to avoid people from starving is not more food but the political will to provide them with food that is available despite the financial and logistical hurdles. Much starvation is genocide, people are denied access to food and aid is prevented for political reasons.