You have a valid argument but you deliver it poorly.
What you call "not work" is real work. Call it something else. Maybe "free work"
Some of what you call unskilled labor actually requires skills. They are just "Blue Collar" skills. Could you read a house plan and frame the house. I bet you would make a mess of it but I might be wrong.
Many rich people work very hard, me I am only sort of rich and don't need a job but I work on things I think are important and I manage my assets and household. If I have more assets and maybe a business I would have to hire help because I am book solid as it is.
The idea that GDP is an accurate measure of the economic output is crazy. GDP is just a convenient measure, they can't or don't try to measure things that don't involve the exchange of money.
That stuff is not important because it was not your real point. I was just a set up for your appeal for proper wages, UBS and UBI. Maybe some where some day but the Elites are not ready to properly pay people for doing shitty jobs and as long as you can do those shitty jobs they don't want to give you free money or services.