You have changed and changed things. I did not like it at first but I like this story. I will keep reading.
Yes, it is hard to be a good person but really it is not, it just seems hard. It seems hard because most of your good deeds amount to nothing because they are cancelled out by others. You might have been scammed or you might have helped someone who really needed it. I have been scammed and it hurts to find out. Help someone who says they need gas money to get on down the road only to see them a week later scamming someone else at the same gas station….that is not hard, it just hurts. You pick up trash at the park but some is still throwing trash in the park. It is not hard, it just hurts. You pay your taxes and give money to charities but you know your neighbors cheat on their taxes and the executives at the charities make six figure incomes and spend millions on advertising.
It is actually easy to do the right thing, give away money, pick up trash, take a meal to someone who can’t get out, it is not hard. What is hard is knowing that much of the good you are trying to do is a waste and knowing that others consider you a fool for even trying.