You have to care just enough.
I have often said “I feel so much better now that I have given up hope.”
It is kind of a ca sara sara thing except more like things will be what I can make them not what I wish them.
It is not like I wouldn’t like to be perfect, it is, I know I can’t be perfect. I have never been perfect. Sometimes I am not even good enough.
I have failed but I am not a failure. The world is better because I was here. I give at least as much as I take or may be not but I am not taking from others, not much anyway. I am happy to be the one who cuts the cake and lets the others pick first and takes the last, most likely the smallest piece.
I am too privileged to be greedy. I have had too much good luck to challenge Karma. I am too high with too far to fall.
I care a lot about a lot but I don’t care too much. Care too much and you will go insane or make some stupid miscalculation. My passion is more like a ember than a flame.
I used to think that things need to be in balance. Like most things, I was as wrong as I was right. You see, I had to learn that balance was not a 50/50 thing. I switched to thinking things need to be optimized, not 50/50 but maybe 45.83/54.17. That was too controlling and never seemed to harmonize, always seemed forced.
I learned to just let somethings be what they are. I care but try not to overcontrol. I don’t need to win as long as I get to keep playing the game.
Others have said it other ways.
It is not whether you win or lose, it is how you play the game.
It is not the destination, it is the journey.
None of them along the line know what any of it is worth
Sometimes, life is but a joke. You must have a sense of humor and be willing sometimes to be the butt of the joke. None of us get out of this alive.
Carpe diem, sometimes the day you seize is one you spend doing nothing.
Care, care for yourself, care for others, care for the planet but be careful and take care to not care too much.