You have to do something about evil
involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.
Doing nothing is criminal. Looking the other way is a crime.
Sure no jury is going to convict you, no DA is going to charge you but you are guilty.
In my job, not preventing wrong doing by others is career ending. I must be the conscience of the company. If we fail because I let someone slide, it is my ass.
If you know that one of your coworkers is cheating, breaking the rules or anything else improper and you don’t raise your hand you are complicit, guilty along with them.
I don’t care if it is a #metoo, #blacklivesmatter, or some more obscure issue. If you are not part of the solution then you are the problem.
Protesting along side others over recent events will not absolve you of your criminal negligence for ignoring racism in your workplace.
There are few good cops only better and worse cops. The bad ones that commit atrocities or are on the take and the less bad ones that don’t report them.
I am under no illusion that everyone will step up and do the right thing. Actually if they did, the chaos would be incredible. The evil that goes on is so pervasive that if it was stamped out our society would fall apart. Like the problem with the failure of the unemployment systems, overloaded with claims.
The problem we have is related to the rate of change. We are often moving in the right direction just not fast enough. But also we are moving too fast.
How so? Some people can’t keep up with the changing times. There is actually a name for that it is call, Conservativism. I thought I was a Conservative and I really am but most people claiming to be Conservative are really just stuck in some La La Land. Conservative really means don’t change so fast that you make the problems bigger, that you don’t make tragic mistakes. It does not mean you resist change. It means you make the right changes.
Police Forces were and are criminal gangs but they are also necessary so we need to reform them so that they get better.
Work places are misogynist and dominated by men but we just don’t get rid of all the men, just the ones that won’t reform.
Here is the hardest one, our political system is run for its own benefit not for the people but for the United NeoLiberal/Conservative Plutocratic Oligarchic Elite Powers that Be. The ballot box should be able to fix that but the Media are Complisit in sustaining the Status Quo. You see they are all La La Land Conservative working to sustain the old way with little effort the stamp our the evil and reform.
The way forward is “it is much more important who is your mayor or governor than who is your president.” You can fix your police force or your work place. You probably can’t fix the Federal Government and certainly you don’t want the Federal Government trying to fix your police force or your work place.