You peer across the border and claim to be outraged and you think I take it personally. I am just giving back some of what you shared.
You seem to be a Canadian Nationalist criticizing a whole country to your south disregarding that we are a divided nation. Your holier than thou attitude is what set me off. I did not take it personally, I took offences at your attitude and tried to prompt you to be introspective regarding the way you told that story. This issue is important but you should not have made it about nations and how yours is so good and mine is so bad.
I wonder if it is not more important for you to find reasons to criticize the U.S. and Americans than is the problems with our criminal justice system.
Yeah, Canada appears so wonderful to outsiders and maybe even to most Canadians but guess what most immigrants choose the U.S. first and only go to Canada when they can’t get into the U.S. So in the eyes of outsiders, Canada seems to be lacking something.
Canada’s population is more than 75% non-Hispanic white Europeans. I grew up in a almost completely white town in central Maine. We did not have any racial problems either.
It does appear that maybe trouble in Canada is just around the corner.