You present no evidence that he is being replaced by a younger worker.
Your husband's integrity is commendable and I doubt it is from brain washing. Some people know what is right and do what is right. It is call a conscience. At 66 years old, does he really need to look for another job. If he needs to find some place to contribute, I am sure he will find something.
You say he was fired, I usually reserve that for some one who's employment was terminated for cause. That seems unlikely considering his integrity, unless it was insubordination to an unlawful superior. If his termination was due to a lack of work, it is usually call being laid-off not fired. Since he is getting severance it must have been a lay-off.
This is a meaningful distinction for both the collection of unemployment benefits and for job searching. Why you left you previous position is important to potential employers.
If your husband was laid-off , I don't believe they can't immediately replace him with someone else.