You provide sources for your other claims but not this one. I think that is because it is not true that capitalism cannot survive without growth. Reasonable returns of invested capital can be achieved without growth. I know business that are doing just fine without growing.
Another point you don't make or address is that growth does not require unsustainable consumption of planetary resources. We can make better use of what we have and take so that we add more value and waste less. It is harder than the take and waste economy we have but it could be done.
It is not a zero sum game like you suggest. Gains for some do not have to come at the expense of a loss for others. The Earth is not a closed system, there is a steady input of solar energy, a steady conversion of nitrogen into carbon, a steady exhaust of heat radiated out into space and many untapped resources of the Earth.
Our biggest problem is an issue of values. We need to change what we value, what we think is important, what we set for goals. We need to increase the value of things that make Earth a better place and decrease the value of things that are destroying the planet and society.
Capitalism is not the problem, the problem is how we apply that capital. Capitalism for capitalism's sake is the problem. We need the capital to be applied to the solutions instead of it creating more problems. There needs to be a reward for fixing problems and penalties for creating problems.
Here is a crazy example. Why do we dig gold ore out of the ground and use energy and labor to purify it only to just store it in a vault that was very expensive to construct and that has to be guarded. This highlights our dysfunctional value system.