You see clearly, write clearly and demand needed change, I doubt we will see the needed change.
"So how come this great country falls so short.....Because the true heart of the country isn’t selflessness and oneness. It’s selfishness and individualism. We’re obsessed with building our own kingdoms....where convenience is more important than sacrifice."
It would be insanity to not work and advocate our own self-interest. Selflessness is insanity. Putting others first requires the recognition that we are better off when other are better off or that we are rewarded in our next life for good done in this life.
Why would anyone give to charity? Is it because we feel better about ourselves when we are generous. Is it because we expect God to reward us for our good works? Is it because we have so much we won't miss what we give to charity and we like to brag about how good we are? Is it because we fear the poor and disadvantaged will rebel and cause strife if we don't keep them mollified.
No sane person would give to charity if they think it will make their lives worse.
Is it charity to give up one's privileges? Why would I do that? Right now the reason I use I that I will feel better doing the good/right thing and I believe God will look favorably on my sacrifice.
You can flip that on its head and say that God will punish me if I retain unjust privileges.
How much are we motivated by fear of unrest? How will we react to unrest? Will unrest lead to authoritarian oppression and stifling of dissent or will it lead to reforms that will mollify the underprivileged?
In the U.S. the "Powers that Be" have usually reacted to unrest with the least concessions that would mollify the oppressed.