You should look at the numbers before you make such claims. Total wealth in the U.S. is $98 trillion, billionaires hold $4 trillion. Billionaires are not hovering up all the wealth.
The top 1 % hold $34 trillion, still not hovering up it all.
The bottom 50% have almost nothing. This is of course almost always going to be the case. They spend everything they can get their hands on to improve their quality life. You want to know who is hovering up all the wealth, the upper middle class the 51% to 99% classes.
The income inequality that bites is the difference between the upper middle class and the lower middle class. We need to call it what it is, the upper middle class are really the rich elite's sycophants.
The poor and working class don't need wealth they need security and health. We need to end their precarity. They are worrying themselves to death.