Your sharing the statistical likelihood of Jews being victimized by hate crimes does not bother me much at all. Was just an observation, it just did not seem relevant to the point you were trying to make. I think you point you were trying to make is that antisemitism is rising, and the media and politician are not paying enough attention. What draws media attention is the frequency of a newsworthy event and its severity, less meaningful is how likely a particular demographic is to have been victimized. I read everything I read here with a critical eye, especially Panopticon as the Penguin is one of the people I most respect here on Medium. I am here to challenge all writers to be better writers. If my comments seem ugly to you maybe you need to take that chip off your shoulder. You did not get special treatment; you got the same critiques I share with most writers. If I don't critique a writer's work, it is probably because I think they are so far off base that there is no hope. I am a critic not a fan boy. I engage critically; I am not a cheerleader. I rarely post about how good a story is, there are already too many people doing that even doing that for stories full of lies and distortions.
This "(Tree of Life is the only thing that I might consider comparable, except that it was politicized and only considered "bad" because it was clearly a white nationalist who did the bad thing-- not because the victims were Jewish people in a place of worship)." Any mass murder is bad, it does not matter where it happened, who the perp is or who the victims are. You attribute its outsized media attention to the fact the perp was a "white nationalist" and do you think it would have gotten the same amount of attention if the victims were Muslims? Me, I could not say for sure, but I think not.
I understand for you this story is personal and that you are a member of the victimized group who is seeing an increase in violence. I am sympathetic with you regarding your fear and anger.
Don't make a bigger deal out of my critique than it is, not a big deal.
That said, I don't find antisemitism as more evil than anti-black racism, islamophobia, xenophobia or anti-LBGTQ+ sexism, hate crimes are hate crimes and should publicized and punished.